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Backward Classes Welfare & Inclusive Development Network.

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Development Schemes

മൺപാത്ര നിർമ്മാണ നവീകരണ ഗ്രാന്റ്, ബാർബർഷോപ്പ് നവീകരണ ഗ്രാന്റ് ടൂൾകിറ്റ് ഗ്രാന്റ് എന്നിവയ്ക്കു അപേക്ഷിക്കാനുള്ള അവസാന തിയതി 10.02.2025 വരെ ദീർഘിപ്പിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട് |

Backward Classes Development Department

A very well grown-updemand and dream of the Backward Communities of Kerala was to set up a new and separate Department for the welfare of OBCs in the state. It was strongly recommended in the MANDAL COMMISSION REPORT that Ministries should have to be formed A very well grown-updemand and dream of the Backward Communities of Kerala was to set up a new and separate Department for the welfare of OBCs in the state.

It was strongly recommended in the ‘MANDAL COMMISSION REPORT’ that Ministries should have to be formed in states and Central level.

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